The presentation of our latest solutions at the Polish-American picnic in Warsaw


At the invitation of the Armament Policy Department of the Ministry of Defense on July 6, 2017, we participated in a Polish-American picnic in Warsaw on the occasion of the visit of the President of the United States in Poland. The wide range of the our latest comprehensive solutions of the C4ISR class being a part of JASMINE System of the Systems on the armament exhibition were presented. Our exposition enjoyed great interest among numerous visitors, including Polish, American and other allied soldiers. The most popular was the latest Battlefield Management System for Battalion, Company, Platoon & Section BMS JASMINE. The system was presented on the demonstrator of AMV (Armoured Modular Vehicle) and all-terrain vehicle as an application of ready to use solution. It should be emphasized that TELDAT presented its solutions as the only Polish defense sector private company. We sincerely thank the Organizers for the invitation, as well as to all visitors visiting our exposition.