Summary of our participation in the Bold Quest 17-2 exercise in USA

Bold Quest 2017

TELDAT as the only Polish company since several years has successfully, systematically, intensively and widely undertaken the expensive and time consuming challenges (especially organizational and technical) toward to reliable verification and development of its capabilities and products in the area of military IT in international environment (including NATO and EU). The last verification was held during the BOLD QUEST 17.2 military exercise on the days 03.10 - 04.11.2017 (Coalition Capability Demonstration and Assessment) which have taken place in the few places in the USA and Europe. TELDAT has designated to exercise - once again as the only Polish defense industry company - its engineers and the solutions of JASMINE System of the Systems. The products have taken part the exercise were the following: Joint Fire Support System with Joint Terminal Attack Controler (JFSS JASMINE) and Combat IDentification Server JASMINE. They were the only this kind of Polish products, the elements of JASMINE platform. It is worth to emphasized that all software components derive from command and communication system C3IS JASMINE which is successfully used in Polish Armed forces as a software of HMS C3IS JASMINE.

In the result of the effective use of JFSS JASMINE and CID JASMINE (including tests) their high quality, maturity, compliance and correctness of implementation of the latest version of the communications and data exchange (ADatP-37 and ADatP-36, Link 16 and VMF) standards have been confirmed. It had a significant impact on the increase of the interoperable capabilities between Air Forces, Navy and Land Forces participating in the exercise.

During BQ:

    • was successfully tested in terms of functionalities in area of DACAS (Digitally Aided Close Air Support),
    • was successfully subjected to the laboratory tests while cooperating with allied systems including DVMT (DACAS VMF Messaging Tool) - the tool of digital data exchange of information related to aviation guidance based on VMF standard,
    • completed the examinations to the extent of integration with Joint Terminal Attack Controler (JTAC) e.g. VECTOR laser rangefinder, Tactical Network ROVER and GPS DAGR;
    • has successfully completed all tests that met CIAV (Coalition Interoperability Assurance & Validation) requirements. The tests fully confirmed compliance and correctness of implementation of ADatP-37 interoperability standards in its latest version. The tests have been conducted according to the scenarios determined and strictly supervised by CIAV commission,
    • has been successfully used (tested) according to the main idea of the exercise in order to improve the cooperation and data exchange in the full extent of coalition capabilities for the solutions have already implemented, utilized and developed especially in terms of interoperability and suitability in combat operations. It was held in the cooperation with the participating troops in real life military operation. This innovative solution has fulfilled the role of integrator which significantly increases as follows: identification and security of allies forces, data exchange between aircrafts and land troops as well as effectiveness of operations,
    • has been successfully subjected to the following tests: scenario, laboratory, stress and Live Fly (the collaboration tests with real aircraft). The tests have been performed in two basic areas: Friendly Force Tracking (FFT) and Ground to Air Situational Awareness (G2A SA),
    • has successfully finished the tests when cooperated with the allied following systems: USA FTAMS (Force Tracking Advanced Management System), USA SAS-E (Situational Awareness Service - Enhanced), USA BAE CID Server, BOSS (Battlefield Operational Support System), FRA Alliance TOC CID, FRA Army CSI CID, FRA Elias, DNK CSI CID (Combat System Interface) and MTDS (Multi-Link Translator Display System) / JRE (Joint Range Extension),
    • participated in the data exchange between land troops and aircrafts or their simulators as follows: A-10C, B-1B, F-15E, F/A-18 and Mirage 2000D, basically to the extent of real data acquisition about the location of troops, optimization of data exchange amount, visualization of current situation, CID JASMINE operational readiness for tracking,
    • passed positively all scheduled more advanced tests in reference to last year with the use of: Link 16, VMF, NFFI and FFI-MTF;
  • once again received the accreditation to the NATO SECRET classified exercise network and as the first it accomplished the operational readiness in the all assumed exercise areas,
  • our engineers participated also conferences and technical meetings related to the perspectives of the exercise and the development of interoperability standards including DACAS (Digitally Aided Close Air Support) performed in Fort Steward where the JTAC sets (Joint Terminal Attack Controller) were tested. The participation in BQ once again allowed to improve their professional skills and gain unique experience which is necessary especially in creating and developing high-quality, reliable solutions in the fields of C4ISR.

In light of the foregoing we express our highest appreciation and thanks for our colleagues engineers who have directly prepared and performed this project from the industrial and technical side and perfectly represented our country and the Polish Defence Industry.