For neraly 25 years our company / entity efficiently realizes research and development and implementation works, especially in the field of innovative and advanced specialized ICT solutions, mainly for security and defence. About 80% of the highly experienced and qualified engineer personnel is involved in this process. They mostly deal with: research and latest trends and technologies analysis, implementation, development and maintanance of the current highest quality products in the field of IT, ITC including automated control / command systems and specialist institutional and personal notification / alarm and warning.

In the frame  of our activities our research and analysis departaments and implementation departaments, on everage realize at least a dozen large and valuable projects in the field of specialist IT, mainly in the scope of C4ISR directed to Polish and foreign defense markets etc. The most valued, prospective and in many cases successfully exploited are, among others:


In the context of above mentioned projects it should be underlined that our research, development and implementation departments developed and implemented many unique and valuable solutions (also in worldwide scale). There are the following: