DSS JASMINE is a comprehensive and network centric dismounted soldier (rescuer) management system (DSS - Dismounted Soldier System). It makes up a personal, light data communication node and is one of main components of the Network Centric Data Communication Platform JASMINE. This is an innovative solution providing ICT platform for an individual soldier or rescuer and also providing an integration and management of its equipment components. It provides also command support of soldier, crew / group of dismounted soldiers or rescuers. The system ensures tactical situation picture on digital maps, information about troops deployment, reception and issuing orders, reporting and visualization threats etc. DSS JASMINE can also operate as an autonomous solution.
Basic components of DSS JASMINE:
- software of the Dismounted Soldier System - DSS C3IS JASMINE (system / software module of C3IS JASMINE);
- Personal Tactical Terminal T5” / T8” or Tactical Terminal Tablet T10" / T12”, as a basic component of personal ICT Node.
Main features:
- it provides the soldier with modern ICT equipment, which enables as follows:
- transmission of data, video and voice communication over IP technologies,
- optimal selection and use of the best available communication mean,
- interoperability with the coalition systems, among others by the implementation of NATO standards,
- integration and continuous monitoring of the soldier equipment / rescuer (external sensors, terminal functions, GPS position and communication means),
- extension and integration of other individual armament components due to the system modularity,
- simple - fully automatic, intuitive installation and configuration of all elements of (hardware and software) DSS JASMINE using JASMINE Modules Management software (a component of the JASMINE Management System, implemented and widely used in the Polish Armed Forces);
- it also provides:
- significant command support of soldier / rescuer, combat section (a group of soldiers especially outside of the vehicle) or crew and their actions and interactions, through effective and proven cooperation with the higher echelon C3I systems (e.g. BMS JASMINE - Battlefield Management System for Battalion, Company, Platoon & Section and depending on the needs HMS JASMINE - Headquarters Management System for Operational and Tactical Level) and JFSS JASMINE - Joint Fires Support System;
- achieving an informational superiority and hence, creating and significantly increasing situational awareness of a soldier / rescuer operating in a group and monitoring its location in the area, significantly increasing its security, e.g. through the immediate and effective distribution of information about threats and an automated information system on the current position of own resources,
- cooperation and integration with allied systems (also by implementation of NATO standards) including:
- command and communications, Air Defense and JFSS JASMINE (Joint Fires Support System, including JTAC),
- reconnaissance (information from battlefield sensors, e.g. UAV, soldier equipment) including CBRN threats from Reporting Nuclear Detonations, Biological and Chemical Attacks and Predicting and Warning of Associated Hazards and Hazard Areas - STANAG 2103,
- training and simulation, e.g. JCATS and VBS2 / VBS3 by the use of HLA (High Level Architecture) standard;
- current tactical situation picture and BLUE FORCE TRACKING using: NFFI (NATO Friendly Force Information) and FFI (Friendly Force Identification - STANAG 5527) - in this case, the system can operate as FFT HUB,
- mission planning, receiving and browsing of plans and orders, visualization (according to APP-6A/B/C, MIP Implementation Rules), and full support for plans and orders according to STANAG 2014,
- reconnaissance and targeting,
- easy input of data - objects and tactical symbols using joystick and touchable interface,
- quick exchange of text messages (CHAT), including reports,
- analysis of terrain situation, using also 3D visualization,
- automatic reports on current battle situation or rescue actions,
- automatic aggregation of data on subordinated soldiers / rescuers,
- storage of operational data in a JC3IEDM database of the model of the MIP program,
- replication of MIP data at the tactical level with the use of BRM protocol (Battlefield Replication Mechanism) via radio communication means,
- message exchange in accordance with standards: ADatP-3 (version 11C/F, 12.2, 13.1 & 14), OTH-GOLD and VMF (Variable Message Format),
- communication with soldier / rescuer using NATO JDSS (Joint Dismounted Soldier System - STANAG 4677),
- application of vector topographic underlays distributed in VPF & SHP technology and raster topographic underlays in: CADRG, ECW, MrSID, GeoTIFF & JPEG technologies and also maps of DTED terrain model,
- management of topographic underlays distributed with the WMS (Web Map Service) and WFS (Web Feature Service) technologies.
The main example hardware elements of the DSS JASMINE devices are presented below.
- Tactical Terminal – depending on the needs and purpose, it may be: Personal Tactical Terminal T5″, Tactical Terminal Tablet T8″ or Tactical Terminal Tablet T12″;
- other additional soldier/rescuer equipment – depending on the desired DSS JAŚMIN configuration, it may include: an individual IP radio station, an HMD head-mounted display, a manipulator and sensors. Example versions of these devices, manufactured and/or adapted by TELDAT to the system, are presented below
DSS JASMINE (including its main hardware and software components) was many times awarded:
- The Republic of Poland President’s Award, which is granted annually for the best product, which improves level of safety of soldiers of the Polish Armed Forces – integration of Automatic Indicator of Contamination PROMETHEUS with JASMINE – System of the Systems (one of the main component of its was DSS JASMINE) obtained at the International Defence Industry Exhibition MSPO 2014 in Kielce;
- the special distinction granted by the Polish MOD in the Innowacje dla Sił Zbrojnych RP 2015 competition for the Network Centric Data Communication Platform JASMINE as the innovative, comprehensive, mutually consistent and unique System of Systems (DSS JASMINE is one of the main components) in the scope of (including automation) command and communication, dedicated for the all command and control echelons, including dismounted soldier;
- 2 Defender prizes, granted at the subsequent editions of MSPO as follows:
- in 2018 for the newest / much extended version of C3IS JASMINE – an automated system of systems for battle management of all commands. The main software components of this solution are significantly developed DSS C3IS JASMINE,
- DEFENDER, awarded for the Integrated Information System WTS during the International Defence Industry Exhibition 2013. DSS JASMINE solutions were also one of the main components,
- 2 prizes granted during the subsequent editions of Air Fair international fairs:
- AIR FAIR 2013 for innovative Vehicle Intercom System VIS JASMINE including tactical terminals with C3IS JASMINE software dedicated to dismounted soldiers,
- AIR FAIR 2012 for the most innovative and comprehensive coverage for the Polish Armed Forces – Network Centric Data Communication Platform JASMINE. DSS JASMINE is one of its main components;
- Designation of „Symbol Innowacji 2015” for Network Centric Data Communication Platform JASMINE, including its DSS JASMINE in Polish global program led by Monitor Rynkowy Dziennika Gazeta Prawna and Monitor Biznesu Rzeczypospolitej.