



Siedziba TELDAT nocą


TELDAT is the one and only Polish company in the field of military ICT (including comprehensive, integrated, mobile and wide area command and communication battle and crisis management systems) that has been dynamically and effectively operating in the security and defense fields incessantly for nearly 30 years. Our company has the largest national and highly-specialized (also engineeringpotential recognized worldwidebroad competences and abilities as well as comprehensive and unifiedin some areas uniquevalued at home and abroad software and hardware solutions. The company carries out tasks for the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland and other allied armieshas one of the highest and the widest qualifications in the field of industrial security and protection of classified informationIt specializes mainly in exemplary / effective implementation of research and development works, designing, manufacturing, developing, as well as implementing and maintaining (including rarely found in military IT solutions for remote service supervision) specialized ICT productsdedicated especially to entities implementing security and defense tasks both national and allied (for which we always perform contracts / tasks in this respect ahead of schedule and without remarks). TELDAT also has the necessary certificatesentitlements and numerous significant prizes and awards confirming its qualifications. Most of them were obtained in Poland but some of them also abroad, i.a. for the development and implementation of innovative solutions (they were granted, for example, by the President of the Republic of Poland, Polish Ministry of National Defense and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Program Councils of the International Defense Industry Exhibition in Kielce and the world's leading defense corporations). All of the above positioning TELDAT as a leader at the forefront of designers and manufacturers of integrated (comprehensive) support systems (including automation) of commandmilitary operations and communicationsalso defined as systems of systems.

The products and services provided by TELDAT (like no other Polish ones of this type) have been and are in a large assortmentin large numberssuccessfully usedand tested in:

Almost 30-year TELDAT’s active and effective operations in this area significantly contributed to the development of automated command systems and support for military and communication activities, also in the within the allianceThis allowed Poland to be placed in the forefront among NATO countries, which never happened before. It also made our country famous in the world and strongly contributed to the promotion of the Polish brand.

The flagship and at the same time most innovative collection of TELDATs products is the Network Centric Data Communication Platform JASMINE - a unique, as well as comprehensive, automated system of systems to support command and communications of military operations. It is a wide collection of specialized national systems, devices and software, on the basis of which you can build and develop automated, fully integrated and widely operating battle management systems, etc., as no other, especially Polish, system allow.

Those solutions were and were appreciated by the Contracting Authorities, Gestors, Organizers and Users of military teleinformation systems, including North Atlantic Alliance, the European Union and the USA. Their advantagesreliability and high interoperability have been documented, among others, by numerous awards, certificatesconfirmations and opinions, including those provided by the NCI Agency (NATO Communications and Information Agency) / NATO C3 Agency. This type of important ennoblemente.g.  NATOdo not have any other polish military-grade products in this classThey neither havei.a.operational references of the War Studies University (formerly AON), which has the maincomplex and in many areas also the unique JASMINE software component - C3IS JASMINE Command Support System (C3IS JASMINE), of which a universal and also a unique set of services (what is the primary feature of this solution) are built its unified / mutually consistent program modulesdedicated to the following basic functional systemsHMS JASMINE (corps, division, brigade and regiment management system), BMS JASMINE (battalion management system, company, platoon and team), of which VIS JASMINE (the only one of this generation, on-board communication system, constituting the most miniaturized basic on-board ICT node) is an important component. DSS JASMINE (soldier's combat management system), JFSS JASMINE (data exchange system for combined fire support including, JTAC), Military (intranet solutions, incl. Supporting command / management processes through the use of a centralized portal, allowing for Common Operational Picture creation), WPJ (Web Portal JASMINE) Military (intranet solutions, incl. Supporting command / management processes through the use of a centralized portal, allowing for Common Operational Picture creation), CID JASMINE (Combat IDentification Server) significantly increasing the identification of own and allied troops facilities and data exchange in this respect between types of armed forces, which - also as the only polish product - obtained NATO recommendation (its international CIAV commission - Coalition Interoperability Assurance & Validation) for operational use and the CMS JASMINE (Multilevel Crisis Management System).

Another, first-class feature of the above solutions is that they also have specially designed military equipment for them. Similarly, to the software discussed above, it is also unified/mutually consistent and it is characterized by full coherence and, additionally, minimal dimensions, low weight and low energy consumption, ability to protect classified information and high resistance to damage and climatic conditions. This also applies to on-board devices (including some of the world's best military computer terminals) for armored personnel carriers, tanks, etc., e.g. BMS JASMINE.

Another distinguishing feature of the solutions mentioned above JASMINE System of Systems is the fact that from them originate (technologically and functionally) military ICT products which are for several years used in the new generation of Patriot systems in many allied/coalition armies and implemented in  other ones. For dynamic and exemplary deliveries of these solutions to the global market and their high quality, TELDAT, as so far as the first ever Polish defense company, was also awarded in 2018 with award "Merited for the export of Polish products" and the "EPIC award" by Raytheon global and "4-star supplier excellence award" by Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems (IDS). Our company has been selected from several thousands of suppliers from around the world, which supplies this leading and important American corporation on the international defense market.