On May 17th 2018 in Boston, Massachusetts, USA, TELDAT was awarded by Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems (IDS) with the prestigious 4-Star Supplier Excellence Award for the top quality, timely delivery performance and focus on the customer satisfaction. TELDAT is the first ever Polish company recognized by Raytheon with such an award.
TELDAT was meticulously selected out of Raytheon’s thousands of the whole world suppliers based on very high quality and technical criteria and impeccable manufacturing procedures. In case of our company it was related mainly to several years of exemplary and systematically increasing deliveries of advanced military Information Communication Technology solutions for Patriot - Air Defense Missile System manufactured by Raytheon. Our products are used as integral parts of this combat system in several countries all around the world and prepared to be implemented in the future procurments. Before we started suppling Raytheon with our product, our devices and competencies (to include JASMINE hardware and software) had been elaborately tested and verified by Raytheon. Professional verification included tests in highly specialized laboratories in the USA, also in terms of IT security. All mentioned tests were conducted in accordance with permissions previously issued by the proper, central Polish authorities.
We are proud of the award and successful (also from technical point of view) cooperation with Raytheon - our solid and strategic international partner in the defense industry - whom we thank very much for this special distinction and mutually beneficial cooperation which is also strengthening the Polish-American friendship.
“Raytheon is committed to partnering with Polish industry, and to recognizing and rewarding the excellent work of our suppliers,” said Pete Bata, Vice President of Polish Integrated Air & Missile Defense Programs.
Raytheon’s Integrated Defense Systems business instituted the annual Supplier Excellence Awards program to recognize suppliers who have provided outstanding service and partnership in exceeding customer requirements. Award candidates are judged on certain criteria, including overall quality and on-time delivery. TELDAT was one of 55 companies recognized by Raytheon’s Integrated Defense Systems business for 4-Star honors.