
Our next activities during NATO CWIX 2015

The large of TELDAT engineers team (the largest of the Polish national team) on the 8 June 2015 started the activities during the next and the most important interoperability exercise of NATO - NATO CWIX 2015 (NATO Coalition Warrior Interoperability eXploration, eXperimentation, eXamination, eXercise). The JASMINE-System of the Systems solutions traditionally in a wide scope (certainly well as the widest on the Polish side) were used. Our products the next are subjected to the following tests: operational, functional and mobile where the BMS JASMINE (with the VIS JASMINE) once again as only this type of system in exercise is permanently installed in a vehicle and used (including checked) in the dynamic action. The BMS JASMINE also cooperates and is fully integrated with the latest version Virtual BattleSpace VBS3. It is one of many reliable confirmations, that JASMINE platform and its components are comprehensive and mature solutions which since many years are developed, subjected to numerous and very costly, long term and wide checks, also in international terms. It is in reference to i.a. Integrated Data Communications Node JASMINE and above mentioned BMS which as the only really existing solutions since many years completely meet requirements and needs of Polish Armed Forces. They are fully unified with software and hardware and successfully utilized in Polish Army.