For neraly 25 years our company / entity efficiently realizes research and development and implementation works, especially in the field of innovative and advanced specialized ICT solutions, mainly for security and defence. About 80% of the highly experienced and qualified engineer personnel is involved in this process. They mostly deal with: research and latest trends and technologies analysis, implementation, development and maintanance of the current highest quality products in the field of IT, ITC including automated control / command systems and specialist institutional and personal notification / alarm and warning.
In the frame of our activities our research and analysis departaments and implementation departaments, on everage realize at least a dozen large and valuable projects in the field of specialist IT, mainly in the scope of C4ISR directed to Polish and foreign defense markets etc. The most valued, prospective and in many cases successfully exploited are, among others:
HMS JASMINE (with command support software at operational level of Corps, Division and Brigade - HMS C3IS JASMINE);
BMS JASMINE (with command support software at operational level of the Battalion, Company, Platoon and Team BMS C3IS JASMINE), especially the latest generation, a miniaturized version of this solution;
Mobile ICT components for the new generation of Patriot system;
JASMINE Crisis Management System;
DSS JASMINE (with command support and management software dedicated to dismounted soldier);
JFSS JASMINE (consisting of hardware and software of the Data Exchange System for Joint Fires Support JFSS C3IS JASMINE);;
IEG FS JASMINE (Functional Services);
IEG CS JASMINE (Core Services).
In the context of above mentioned projects it should be underlined that our research, development and implementation departments developed and implemented many unique and valuable solutions (also in worldwide scale). There are the following:
Battlefield Replication Mechanism (BRM);
Gateway MIP B2/B3;
Multiprotocol NATO Friendly Force Information Proven HUB (Multiprotocol NFFI Proven HUB);
JASMINE Management System, including JASMINE Modules Management (JMM); JASMINE Data Communications Resources Management System.
one of the most modern and resistant Tactical Terminal Tablets:
- Tactical Terminal Tablet (T12.1”);
- Tactical Terminal Tablet (T10”);
- Tactical Terminal Tablet (T8”);
- Personal Tactical Terminal (T5").
- Vehicle Intercom System (VIS Terminal - T4")
Secure Exchange Information System (SEIS) - integrated, comprehensive, extensive and succesfully exploited system, dedicated to various public services and companies carrying out tasks for security and national defense;
Projects for state security and defense realized on behalf of and from the budgets of the Ministry of National Defense and The National Center for Research and Development (NCBR);
Rosomak WD, which included the latest version of the software kernel of this mobile object - BMS C3IS JASMINE software, which remains in the equipment of the Polish Armed Forces;
Gateway for secure information exchange between systems with different levels of sensitivity (GBWI);
Developing a methodology for continuous supervision of the operation of selected areas of fire brigade equipment in terms of reliability and effectiveness of operations (project financed by the National Center for Research and Development under the program of projects for the security and defense of the state - competition No. 4/2013). At the same time, we would like to inform you that this project won an award during the Kaohsiung International Invention and Design EXPO 2016 in Taiwan.