
TELDAT efforts to achieved the continuous verification and product development

With satisfaction we inform, that TELDAT for a dozen years systematically takes the challenges and efforts to reliable verification of own competences and products in the range of command and communication support and during the most important international military projects, with large success, the longest time, most numerous and widest in the Polish defence industry. The most significant of them are the following:

  • tests made in the NATO, European and American laboratories, including: MIP (Multilateral Interoperability Programme), NC3 Agency (actually NCI Agency), Center of IT and Electronic of Germany Armed Forces in Greding, C.E.L.A.R. (Centre Electronique de l'ARmement) and Laboratories of American concern Raytheon;
  • annual international exercises (NATO CWID, NATO CWIX, Combined Endeavor and Bold Quest). During these projects in the many cases our solutions were as the only Polish and reference for the foreign armies. This efforts for the 20 years was systematic and enermous: many tests realized in Poland (including accredited laboratories) and fruitful exploitation our products in Polish Armed Forces (including many military operations, also current).

The above mentioned has been a source of: systematic, dynamic and effective development of our abilities and products, creating of new products and consequently situating Poland on the high position among allies. In the result of this was making new quality in the scope of military IT – Network Centric Data Communication Platform JASMINE – innovative and unique System of the systems designed to Command and communication support, including specialized: systems, subsystems, devices and software.

Only to 8th October numerous our engineers and wide range of JASMINE solutions with success participated in two important and long-term international military exercises, for which organizational and procedural arrangements lasted few months in this year and require participation in many international conferences related to these projects. First of them was NATO CWIX 2015 (NATO Coalition Warrior Interoperability eXploration, eXperimentation, eXamination, eXercise – the highest interoperaility exercise organized by NATO), what we informed about on our website on June current year. The second one was Bold Quest 15.2 exercise, in which one more time with great effort of resources we participated as the only Polish company. We mentioned about it on our website on the beginning of this month.

The above mentioned achievements and great efforts also resulted in the following: the efforts no achieved earlier in the area of development of national and international C3I systems (also among allied forces and partnership for peace) and making famous the Poland, our Armed Forces and Polish brand in the world. We will continue our activities in this year in the subsequent exercises conducted in Europe with the participation of NATO countries. TELDAT was invited to these exercises as only Polish company. In one of the exercise our engineers will take part as experts and C3IS JASMINE as only Polish software. The main tasks for them are integrate the other countries systems and to be reference products.