
JASMINE solutions wide scope of use in ANAKONDA 2016 and NATO CWIX 2016 exercises

Major JASMINE platform solutions and TELDAT engineers in June 2016 have successfully participated in two the biggest allied exercises which held in Poland. There were the following:

  • as a first "ANAKONDA-16" exercise which was held on the days 6-17 June 2016. There the JASMINE - System of the Systems software and hardware solutions in a big scale have been used. Brigades and divisions and the fixed operational command posts in the exercise have been equipped with JASMINE System. They have used the following systems: HMS JASMINE (Integrated Data Communication Node JASMINE in shelter and portable version), C3IS JASMINE software-HMS C3IS JASMINE Software Module together with JASMINE Web Portal. These products enabled the IT support of command processes in a full scale of exercise including creation of the current Common Operational Picture and the integration of national systems with exercising NATO troops;
  • the biggest NATO interoperability exercise NATO CWIX held on the days 13-30 June 2016 in which our engineers team (subsequent time in the biggest number as a Polish team) and wide scope of JASMINE solutions (again the biggest number among national products) have successfully and actively participated in this year exercise edition. JASMINE solutions during the exercise the subsequent time passed tests and excellent fulfilled its role. There were mainly the following: HMS JASMINE (including its components the only really, national existing product: data communication node and above mentioned C3IS JASMINE-HMS C3IS JASMINE Software Module together with JASMINE Web Portal) and Combat IDentification Server CID JASMINE. These solutions of JASMINE platform have been effectively used and tested in the following tests:
  1. Exercise scenario - within the broadly played operational scenarios. The systems from a few countries have participated in it on high level including HMS JASMINE. We conclude with satisfaction that our comprehensive system played one of the main roles in the land forces scenario. It was the access point for other systems, effectively supported command processes and also effectively integrated subsystems. HMS JASMINE was also subjected to the tests of interoperability standards. Once again JASMINE Web Portal as the component of HMS JASMINE with a success was used. It improve the operations on the command posts through the creation of Common Operational Picture (COP).
  2. Functional - in which once again successfully the interoperability of HMS JASMINE and CID JASMINE solutions have been examined in the main areas of the exercise scenario. Within this set of tests the positive verification of many implemented in HMS JASMINE and CID JASMINE standards have been examined.
  3. Experimental - in which also with positive results the HMS JASMINE and CID JASMINE solutions have been examined in terms of: data exchange between exercising systems, visualization of air picture and the most current interoperability standards which significantly enrich the set of C3IS JASMINE services.

The all hardware and software JASMINE system solutions applied in the exercises once again proved that the system functionalities and capabilities fully fit in the aims to achieve network centric and interoperability capabilities determined by Polish Armed Forces. It would not be possible - what we emphasize - without of full unification of the constituent components and all applied technological solutions of JASMINE system. What have been once again fully demonstrated and examined in exercises. Above mentioned undertakings have once again proved in 100% that thanks to comprehensiveness and broad spectrum JASMINE capabilities it is the only Polish System of the Systems and one of the few in the world.

In the context of above mentioned it is significant to emphasize that since many years TELDAT systematically, successfully, by far the longest, the most numerous and widely in the history of Polish defense industry is taking a huge (including costs) challenges and efforts in order to reliably verify its competences and products in the scope of C3IS also in the course of numerous, the longest and most important military projects. The all these actions allowed also for the following: systematical, dynamical and efficient development of our high specialized abilities and products, development of new products and in the wake of it the placement of Poland in the area of C3IS systems at the top position among allied countries, what have not happened earlier. In the result of it the new quality has been created in the area of military IT the Network Centric Data Communication Platform JASMINE, an innovative and unique the C3IS System of the Systems which is composed of the following numerous specialized: the systems, subsystems, devices and software.