
The subsequent contract for Patriot IT military solutions

With our satisfaction please be informed that after the last batches of high specialized and heavy-duty military IT components for new generation Patriot system successfully delivered to our American customer, TELDAT has got the successive contract for this solution. Our success is the result of our engineers effort who developed the state of art product which met the highest quality standards for this type of advanced technology. It is worth to mention that our company in 2016 was awarded the PMI prize for this project. This is the first type of distinction given for Polish defence industry company.

Cooperation with Raytheon:

  • has a developmental nature - the quantity and value of the current order is doubled in relation to first contract;

  • TELDAT joined the world-class supply chain of Raytheon suppliers and now has an access to the 13 Patriot system users market. This is also beneficiary for Poland, promotion of Poland and its brand in the world;

  • has been preceded by the diligent selection process on Polish defence market in terms of military IT and a few years audit conducted by US and Polish appropriate institutions. The audit included the tests and examinations of our products - JASMINE components (their software) in US specialized laboratories.

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