
TELDAT is also the supplier of the ICT Nodes latest generation

This important multiyear contract was concluded with MoD Armament Inspectorate at the end of December 2018. The contract covers the deliveries of ICT Nodes in two versions: shelter and portable. TELDAT was granted the contract - as a main manufacturer of these modern, high specialized and sophisticated military products - in multi stages competitive procedure with participation of national and foreign companies. This fact makes up the subsequent and best confirmation of potential, capabilities and TELDAT big achievements (often unique) in the area of military IT. It is also recognition for the value and importance of ICT Nodes JASMINE which have in impeccable way been delivered to Polish Armed Forces and their latest generation is ICT Node. These products, including all JASMINE nodes versions were designed, are being manufactured and developed based on unique capabilities and experiences of the TELDAT engineers (the biggest of Polish military IT team). Their experiences have been for 22 years gathered in many foreign military: missions, exercises, programs and international workshops when in many cases TELDAT solutions have been the only Polish and were very well assessed and received great recognition for Poland and Polish Armed Forces. The choice of ICT Nodes and our company as a main supplier by Armament Inspectorate guarantees also:

  • success of the project, its homogeneity/ full compatibility of ICT Nodes (the latest generation of JASMINE nodes) with Integrated Data Communication Node JASMINE and other TELDAT products used in Polish Armed Forces;
  • knowledge of these specialized solutions by soldiers (organizers and many users of military IT systems) and assurance of logistics and training support;
  • very important the homogeneous and full management all of: ICT nodes being at Polish Armed Forces disposal (in use and being acquired) and other JASMINE hardware and software products in use (including HMS C3IS JASMINE - Headquarters Management System for Corps, Division, Brigade & Regiment) and with directly related other JASMINE System of Systems products, e.g. BMS JASMINE.

In the context of the above, the words of the highest appreciation and gratitude are directed to Our Colleagues - TELDAT staff, who with the highest commitment and professionalism directly and indirectly participated in this complex process, also once again perfectly represented Poland and our company.