They have been succeeded at this year International Defence Industry Exhibition (MSPO 2019 – one of the three most prestigious defense fairs in Europe held on 03-06 September 2019). These achievements had a multidimensional scope because:
- First, our rich exposition was visited by an exceptional big number of guests i.a.: President of the Republic of Poland, Representatives of MoD with its chief and its leadership, National Security Bureau with its head and top management, Parliamentary Defense Committee with its representatives, Polish Armed Forces and its Commanders, other national and foreign ministries, governmental agencies, other armies, Polish and foreign industry and numerous media. Visitors were keenly interested in the large, significant and in many cases unique achievements of TELDAT in the field of military ICT etc. Therefore, taking this opportunity once again, we would like to thank cordially all the people who came to our exhibition and the interest they showed, i.a. our company's competences and products;
- Secondly, our company and thus Poland once again confirmed that it has a rich, largely unified and comprehensive palette of one of the best matured in the world solutions (in some areas unique) in the scope of military ICT. The list of them and their furnishing, comprehensiveness, uniqueness etc. are presented selectively in the table below. Some of these products and/or their hardware and software components are already successfully used by the Ministry of National Defense and many allied armies and implemented by subsequent ones, and the next of these products will be delivered in the near future. To them belong for instance ICT Nodes lately contracted by MoD, also the only Polish this type ICT Nodes designed for tactical and operational levels and HMS C3IS JASMINE - command, control, computer and communication software also the only Polish, mature, proved, certified and recommended by NATO intended for Corps, Division, Brigade and Regiment. The system was granted DEFENDER in 2018 together with other C3IS JASMINE also unique systems designed for Operational level down to Dismounted Soldier. System operates in mobile conditions by radio. The aforementioned C3IS JASMINE system is composed of: BMS C3IS JASMINE and DSS C3IS JASMINE - command, control, computer software intended for Battalion, Company, Platoon, Section and individual Soldier and JFSS C3IS JASMINE - the software also including Joint Tactical Attack Controller. The said products together with other systems being the parts of Network Centric Data Communication Platform JASMINE were earlier awarded (as the first and only this type from the private defense industry sector) by: President of the Republic of Poland, Ministry of Science and Higher Education and Ministry of National Defense as military technology solutions: best for the security of soldiers, innovative and the most technologically advanced;
- Thirdly, in the course of this year exhibition the subsequent basic TELDAT product was granted the prestigious award DEFENDER - which is granted by a large commission consisting of the following prominent representatives: the President and the Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland, Ministry of National Defense (including Armament Modernization Branch), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Military Police, Internal Security Agency, General Staff, Police and Fire Brigade. This time the distinction has been granted to our latest generation ICT Node (WTi), which is also an exceptionally large set of innovative hardware and software solutions that are important for the Polish Armed Forces command and communication system. These products were developed on the basis of the rich and unique TELDAT experience, gained (also abroad, on many theaters of military operations), in course of utilization and improving of JASMINE ICT nodes and training of Administrators and Maintenance Crews.
- Fourthly, at this year MSPO TELDAT Board was granted special awards by the Association of Suppliers for Uniformed Services as part of the State Security Leader 2019 competition, held under the honorary patronage of the Head of the National Security Bureau. The president of our company has been awarded the Golden Star - the State Security Leader, and the Vice-President - the Gold Medal for Innovation for Security and Defense. These are the highest awards of this type granted this year;
- Fifthly, we strengthened again and established business and technical contacts with many important existing and new Partners from Poland and abroad. Also this time they promise good development and / or start of mutually beneficial industrial and scientific cooperation, etc.
In the light of the above, we also thank our staff for enormous effort and professional preparation and implementation of practical demonstrations of a large range of our specialized solutions during this year's MSPO. Many thanks we are also address to our business and industrial partners, including consortium members, for highly specialized and creative competence, expert and product support also implemented during the preparation and duration of the abovementioned fair.