On the 28th of November 2019 TELDAT successfully delivered 10 ICT Nodes (previously honored with DEFENDER award this year) to the Polish Armed Forces, and 2 sets of fully equipped ICT Training Devices which were successfully installed in WAT (Military University of Technology) laboratories. These complex projects were performed under Agreement No. IU/66/V-18/ZO/NZO/DOS/Z/2015/420 in a relatively short time. We were able to deliver again - as well as it was previously with other TELDAT’s made Military ICT - in accordance with all tactical and technical requirements and within the designated timeline. In regard to the above, we have provided our Armed Forces with a total of over 900 essential hardware and software components for which extensive technical documentation contained over 4,000 pages. Just in the accredited laboratories we have also carried out over 600 research and tests (functional, environmental, performance and security) of these military technology solutions and have already trained 50 representatives of the Polish Army (granting them, among others, instructor privileges) in the field of management, configuration, monitoring and service of this military equipment. The capstone of the indicated supply was accompanied by the creation and formal opening of the two training laboratories in container (shelter) and portable versions at the Military University of Technology on November 26 this year. One of them has also the HMS C3IS JASMINE Automated Combat Management System for Combat Management, which is widely used in the Polish Armed Forces providing effectively, among others, allied interoperability.
Efficient implementation of the above would not be possible - as we emphasize with all its power - without professional and effective cooperation with the Ministry of National Defense, especially the Armament Inspectorate, Military Centre for Standardization, Quality and Codification and its competent Regional Military Representation, representatives of the Polish General Staff - especially the Functional Systems Organizer - P6 SG WP, General Command of the Polish Armed Forces - mainly Gestor of this military equipment - CIS Division of the Polish Armed Forces, Armed Forces Support Inspectorate - especially the Heads of Operation of Communication Equipment, Information Technology and Electronic Warfare, the Military Counterintelligence Service, National Cyberdefence Centre as well as ICT Node Users - Polish Soldiers.
In relation to the above, we would like to thank, executives and Functional Persons of the abovementioned military institutions and units very involved in creating effective and substantive conditions for the efficient implementation of these highly complex and difficult tasks, including the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the ICT Nodes Testing Group and other Members - Representatives of the mentioned structures of the Department of defense and Polish Armed Forces.
Special thanks, appreciation and respect are passed to our TELDAT Specialists - without your exceptional, professional and creative commitment and action it would not be possible to accomplish this important and largely unusual task, especially in such a short time. We also express similar words of gratitude to the relatives of the abovementioned TELDAT’s employees, without whom forbearance and patience it would not be possible to achieve this success.