
A key milestone in the development of HMS C3IS JASMINE training system of training and users staff

In Polish Armed Forces the systematic and multilevel training system of instructors/operators of Headquarters Management System for Operational and Tactical Level HMS C3IS JASMINE was implemented. The training will be conducted in the newly opened training laboratory of Officers Training Center in War Studies University. This is another important achievement in the HMS C3IS JASMINE system dynamic development and in the efficient development of tactical-operational capabilities in the Polish Army, which were attained mainly due to the close long-term research and training collaboration between TELDAT and War Studies University in this field.

At the beginning of July 2021 the solemn ending of the first intensive training course of the highest HMS C3IS JASMINE instructors training level which was supervised by i.a.: the General Staff of the Polish Armed Forces, the Armed Forces General Command, Armed Forces Support Inspectorate and troops commanders from which the trained soldiers come. In the event participated the following representatives:

  • Vice-Rector for Science of War Studies University - Col PhD Tadeusz ZIELIŃSKI;
  • Chief of C2 Directorate of Armed Forces General Command - Col Zygmunt MALEC;
  • The representative of Chief of C2 Directorate of General Staff - Lt Col Grzegorz SKUZA;
  • The representative of Chief of Training Inspectorate of Armed Forces General Command - Col Robert WOŹNIAK;
  • Chief of the Officers Training Center - Maj. Gen. (res.) Zbigniew CIEŚLIK;
  • The Dean of the Military Faculty of the War Studies University - Col Jacek JONIAK;
  • Member of the Board in TELDAT - Technical Director - Robert PALKA.

In the context of the foregoing we congratulate all instructors - the graduates the achieved results of the first course and wish them the best use of acquired knowledge and skills and also good luck.