There were 19 of them and they concerned deliveries / implementation for domestic and foreign Contractors (also many important enterprises, research and development and teaching institutions, including the National Centre for Research and Development - NCBR) of highly specialized projects, products and services in the field of military ICT. Traditionally, we have completed them without the Procurers’ complaints and ahead of schedule, despite the pandemic and the related unfavorable circumstances. Thus, as an entity of special economic and defense importance, also this time we have fulfilled the most important / service mission of our activity that brought measurable benefits on the national and allied scale, also for the State Treasury.
The main of the above-mentioned contracts / orders (often long-term) related to and/or relate to:
- deliveries of further ICT Nodes, Crisis Management System JASMINE, a number of military ICT devices (including various types of Tactical Terminals) and solutions of this type for the Patriot system;
- development of many innovative products, mainly in the field of command support, military operations and communication, including: an ICT system for national command vehicles (its model has been successfully tested by the ministry of National Defense) and solutions implemented under the SZAFIR program;
- development of the systems / products delivered so far and producer support for their effective operation (also within the scope of implementation: maintenance / service, renovation and relevant training for Instructors and Users of these products), e.g. HMS C3IS JASMINE - Multidomain Headquarters Management System for Operational and Tactical Level and Integrated Data Transmission Nodes JASMINE.