
JFSS C3IS JASMINE - software / Joint Fires Support System, including JTAC


JFSS C3IS  JASMINE is one of the main C3IS JASMINE software / Combat Management System dedicated to all command echelons and combat operations. This software is an essential component of JFSS JASMINEJoint Fires Support System incorporating Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC). It provides, among others, high level of computerization and automation of activities performed by its Users/Operators and has the ability to integrate many devices of this system.

JFSS C3IS  JASMINE (like e.g. BMS C3IS JASMINEDSS C3IS JASMINE) is derived from the uniquecomprehensive and versatile set of services of C3IS JASMINE and, if necessary, can easily and efficiently connect to the services of these products. This highly specialized software, as the only Polish, has received NATO recommendations and has been successfully used in numerous international military projects (e.g.: Multilateral Interoperability Programme and subsequent editions of exercises held in Poland and other countries, including the USA). All this is the primary and unique feature of this solution.

Main features of JFSS C3IS JASMINE:

  • it raises up situational awareness of the members of the Fires Support System;
  • it enhances an effectiveness air and land fires support (including artillery, missiles and aircraft strikes) through automatic data exchange in real time;
  • support of planning and execution processes of fires support including CAS (Close Air Support) and DACAS (Digitally Aided CAS) or CFF (Call for Fire);
  • provides the JFSS team members with the display of the elements of fire support elements coordination on the maps including limitations in completing fire support tasks, i.e. flight ways of allied aircraft, non-fire areas, restrictive fire areas and secure borders of allied forces;
  • effective data exchange with fires support assets (including aircraft) and Agencies Involved in Coordinating Joint Fire Support in a real time and in VMF (Variable Message Format), ADatP-3 standards;
  • communication with UAV by Full Motion Video (FMV) in Video Data Link (VDL) from SNIPER (PAL, NTSC, MPEG-4, MPEG-2 and MJPEG);
  • cooperation with simulation systems (e.g. JCATS - Joint Conflict And Tactical Simulation and VBS - Virtual Battlespace), to make easier users training process;
  • situational awareness extension for pilots (in reference to aircrafts which do not have VMF and Link 16 communications standards) and team members of joint fire support;
  • identification and automated determination of friendly forces deployment FFT (Friendly Force Tracking), provided by CID JASMINE;
  • indication for fire assets the location of allied forces to avoid Blue-Blue-Fire;
  • automatic synchronization and data exchange with the system devices to avoid human mistake by manual data entry (e.g. own location, allied troops location, target position, etc.);
  • integration with portable and/or mobile terminal (with installed JFSS C3IS JASMINE software), and with many other external devices of Operator (e.g.: VECTOR 21 Nite, PLRF 10/15, DAGR, Micro DAGR, FALCON radios - ANP/PRC 152/152A, ANP/PRC 117/G and ANP/PRC 158);
  • control of system devices (e.g. JTACthrough Operator’s terminal;
  • unique and effective cooperation with other C2 systems (national and NATO), an easy extension of the system due to application of C3IS JASMINE system (also unique and comprehensive software over years utilized by the army), from which a universal set of services derive the unified systems / software modules dedicated to JASMINE platform solutions, including: HMS C3IS JASMINE (Multi-Domain Headquarters Management System for the Operational and Tactical Level), BMS C3IS JASMINE (software of the Battlefield Management System for Battalion, Company, Platoon & Section), DSS C3IS JASMINE (software of Dismounted Soldier System) and CMS C3IS JASMINE (software of the Crisis Management System);
  • automatic targets mappingapproval and determination of their parameters using digital maps;
  • mission planningvisualization (according to APP-6A/B/C, MIP Implementation Rules) and full support for plans and orders according to STANAG 2014;
  • apps (servicesto support CAS (Close Air Support), DACAS (Digitally Aided CAS) and DAFS (Digitally Aided Fire Support), including the semi-automatic edition of reports and messages;
  • support of a variety of messages including ADatP-3 that can be interpreted semi automatically as well as editable (FM - Fire Mission, ATI - Artillery Target Intelligence, NNFP - Fire Plan, SPRT - Support Airspace Coordination Area, ACMREQ & AIRREQ);
  • communication with soldiers using NATO JDSS (Joint Dismounted Soldier System - STANAG 4677);
  • application of vector topographic underlays distributed in VPF & SHP technology and raster topographic underlays in CADRG, ECW, MrSID, GeoTIFF & JPEG technologies and also maps of DTED terrain model;
  • management of topographic underlays distributed with the WMS (Web Map Service) and WFS (Web Feature Service) technologies;
  • quick exchange of text messages (CHAT) using pre-defined reports and templates;
  • modular construction enabling fast integration of system components;
  • integration with TELDAT Battlefield Directory services STANAG 4644.

Examples of screenshots of the JFSS C3IS JASMINE software are presented below.

oprogramowanie JFSS C3IS JASMIN