Multilevel Crisis Management System JASMINE (CMS JASMINE) is an innovative, wide area solution dedicated to NATO, EU and national crisis management structures. The system provides the comprehensive ICT support of public administration and Armed Forces including Territorial Defence in crisis operations, rescue and preventive actions. The solution enhances the management, planning, command and control as well as monitoring of political, military and non-military threats.
CMS JASMINE is one of the main systems / software components of C3IS JASMINE (in the case of used in Armed Forces also called Battle Management System of Systems for all echelons). This comprehensive solution is implemented unlimitedly and successfully used in the Polish Armed Forces, especially in the form of Headquarters Management System (HMS) C3IS JASMINE.
The system is aimed especially at all echelons of Crisis Management Centers, the management structures of the Police, Fire Brigade, Border Guard, Emergency Medical Services, Crisis Management Centers, as well as fits to needs of armed forces (Emergency Command Centers and Task Groups).
CMS JASMINE provides global Crisis Management from strategic level to task groups and teams. The system ensures the monitoring of the resources assigned to crisis operations within the country. The solution is integrated and cooperates with other software systems / components of mentioned above C3IS JASMINE (depending on the needs, it can, for example, also use selected functionalities) and Secure Exchange Information System which is currently and successfully used in continuous mode in Polish governmental structures and subjected to them institutions and units. In Polish MOD the system operates under the name SARON (SEIS) which is an essential departmental platform / ICT network and provides alerting, dissemination and exchange of information between operational services.
Main features:
- planning, command support, coordination and control of operations, thorough optimization of solutions (calculation, verification and simulation tools), dynamic resource lists, simulation of courses of action, logistic plans, etc.;
- gathering, processing, aggregation and distribution of information about rescue operations carried out in the following scope:
- incidents (e.g. disturbance of security and public order),
- events (e.g. pollution of water intake and forest fire),
- threats (e.g.: epidemiological, terrorist, migration and constructional),
- terrain (e.g.: flood areas, embankment status and chemical contamination),
- population (e.g. location and number of people staying in buildings or regions of operation to provide assistance),
- resources (e.g.: human, objects, units, protective equipment);
- current and automatic reports about last actions and available resources in rescue teams;
- effective distribution of important information (including alerts, messages, reports, orders) to selected groups of recipients (troops, rescue teams, people) situated in any localization;
- cooperation with other systems of governmental organizations (Government Security Center, Institute of Meteorology and Water Management, National Fire Brigade, the Police, National Emergency Medical Services, Border Guards) via application of centralized WWW portal - JASMINE Web Portal through sharing of documents and bilateral information exchange with CMS JASMINE;
- high level of security provided through multi-level security of exchange information and data processing (also in classified networks) by the use of: labeling, encryption, authentication and access control mechanisms (according to NATO XML Labelling concept, Public Key Infrastructure, VPN, IPSec, and TLS/SSL);
- presenting and monitoring of actual rescue / crisis situations on digital maps based on GPS information, data entered by soldiers / officers / rescuers, as well as video images and photos from the actions;
- integration and cooperation with UAV for current video streaming from areas of: border lock, quarantine, search / rescue operations, fires, flood etc.;
- the modular architecture of the system providing: server and client software, features and services, dedicated to personnel operates on the global scale (e.g. within the whole country) and local activities (e.g. mobile operations in terrain). The system provides flexible and easy extension with new features, dedicated services and additional workplaces;
- interoperability of the system which guarantees cooperation with Polish MoD, NATO and EU due to the following implemented standards: MIP DEM B3.1, NFFI & FFI-MTF (STANAG 5527), Link 16 - JREAP-C (STANAG 5516, STANAG 5518), VMF, NVG & JIPS, ADatP-3 (B11C/F, B12.2, B13.1 & B14) - STANAG 5510, JDSSEM (STANAG 4677), BRM (author’s and unique Battlefield Replication Mechanism), HLA, DIS, SMTP, CBRN (ATP45), OTH-GOLD, WMS & WMF and APP-6(A)/(C);
- wide range of network services: VoIP, VTC, audio/video streaming (RTMP), e-mail, WEB portal, CHAT, FAX;
- automatic and efficient exchange of information through any radio media (including low bandwidth and high error rate);
- cooperation with available media communication, e.g. telephone GSM/LTE/CDMA network and public PSTN and VoIP;
- management of system resources (services, ICT devices and users accounts);
- automatic data replication and archiving services in the entire system;
- quick and easy connection of rescue personnel and crisis services to the system, via a mobile application installed on typical smartphones. It significantly automates the process of receiving direct information from rescuers during actions;
- monitoring of quarantined population via tracking their whereabouts;
- cooperation with simulation systems providing: multiple scenarios processing of many different situations, course of actions, behaviors and decision making results. It enables Users training with the use of the system during any crisis situation.
Examples of non-military threats and their imaging in Crisis Management System JASMINE presents the scheme below.
Examples application of the CMS JASJMINE in the crisis management structures of the Polish Armed Forces and public administration are presented on the diagram below.
Examples of practical use of CMS JASMINE presents the pictures below.
CMS JASMINE (including its main hardware and software components) was already awarded:
- in 2018, the Defender Award for the latest / significantly expanded version of C3IS JASMINE, where CMS C3IS JASMINE is one of the main systems /program components, being also dedicated to crisis management structures;
- in 2019, the award for C3IS JASMINE Network Centric Command Support System, (where CMS C3IS JASMINE is also one of the main components), which is ensuring, i.a.: integration, display and exchange of information with aircrafts;
prize „Project of the year PMI Poland Chapter” in the competition arranged by international Project Management Institute. The prize was conferred during International PMI Congres Poland Chapter in 2017 under the auspices of Digitalization Ministry and was awarded for „KTSA GSM” project. The subject of the project was development of innovative software and functionalities to speed up operations and performance of specialized, wide area institutional and personal messaging / alert system which is also an integral element of CMS JASMINE;
- in 2018, distinction of Mayor of the Bydgoszcz City for commitment and extraordinary activities to improve the safety of the Bydgoszcz residents. It was the culmination and a summary of the effective implementation and use of our comprehensive Crisis Management System JASMINE (CMS JASMINE) by the Bydgoszcz Crisis Management Center during last year's international mass events, such as the UEFA European U21 Soccer Championship in 2017.