
The rich offer of Polish military IT solutions presented by TELDAT at the International Defence Industry Exhibition MSPO 2017

During the 25th International Defence Industry Exhibition MSPO in Kielce it was confirmed that Poland has a wide offer one of the best solutions in the area of military IT. This year at MSPO TELDAT presented the premiere version of the Network Centric Data Communication Platform JASMINE - the comprehensive, unique in many areas C4I System of the Systems, widely operating from operational echelon down to dismounted soldier. There were as well as presented the only Polish, new versions of the basic, unified components of the JASMINE platform, as follows:

  • Command Control Communication & Information System - C3IS JASMINE integrated with training and battlefield operations simulation systems - innovative, automated command system designed for all echelons of command and communication and military operations (also for Territorial Defence and JTAC teams). The system is capable to integrate other national and allied C3I systems. C3IS JASMINE is a key, matured and wide operating software tool for the whole IT platform. It is composed of software modules as follows: HMS C3IS JASMINE, BMS C3IS JASMINE, DSS C3IS JASMINE, JFSS C3IS JASMINE and CMS C3IS JASMINE. They are the essential modules of the command and communication software of most systems as follows below;
  • Headquarters Management System for Corps, Division & Brigade - HMS JASMINE with high mobility IT nodes in shelter and portable versions;
  • Battlefield Management System for Battalion, Company, Platoon & Section - BMS JASMINE which consists of IT node that includes superINTERCOM-VIS JASMINE designed in IPv6 technology (dedicated to all mobile platforms including tanks);
  • Dismounted Soldier System - DSS JASMINE, also with personal IT node;
  • Joint Fires Support System - JFSS JASMINE that includes Joint Terminal Attack Controler - with virtual training system for Forward Air Controllers (FAC), Joint Fires Observers (JFO);
  • Crisis Management System - CMS JASMINE, an innovative, wide area solution dedicated to all levels crisis management structures in armed forces and public administration;
  • Rugged, high-performance military computers and servers designed for all types military, mobile platforms (including BMS) and dismounted soldier;
  • Secure Exchange Information System - SEIS, equipped with modern compact KTSA GSM Gateway Module and designed for alerting/messaging and dissemination of information in armed forces and public administration in GSM/LTE/CDMA networks.

The composition, uniqueness, unification and complexity of JASMINE platform and the solutions included in its (hardware and software) are illustrated in the table below.

The above mentioned products were the richest collection of the exhibition of the high-specialized solutions of military IT. They were high assessed by numerous, government Polish and foreign delegations. Our stand was also visited by representatives of military and public sectors and media. In many cases the necessity of implementation the presented solutions were confirmed. Also the suitability and effectiveness of many of those have already used in the Polish MoD and other major government agencies, including international ones, e.g. in peacekeeping missions were confirmed.

We would like to thank all our Guests for visiting the TELDAT stand, and we congratulate our technical staff for the professionally prepared and executed demonstration of the all exhibited solutions.

Summary of our exhibition during the IDIE (MSPO) 2017 in Kielce.