TELDAT signed a contract with the Polish Ministry of Defense Armament Inspectorate, which enables a wider use of the C3IS JASMINE Command Support System in Polish Armed Forces. This system is used in the Polish Army mainly as a part of the HMS C3IS JASMINE and is especially used to manage the operations performed on the level of the corps, division and brigade. Subsequent completions of the C3IS JASMINE, eg. BMS C3IS JASMINE and DSS C3IS JASMINE, have been extensively used for years in Polish military academies. This comprehensive system, as the only one of its kind in Poland, is also actively developed, based on the conclusions from its exploitation and a wide and numerous participation in many allied and national undertakings. That is why, it is well known (in all its versions) to soldiers of the Polish Army, which is its next unique and first-rate feature.
The agreement significantly expands the possibilities of using this specialized software tool. It allows the unlimited use of this software within the Ministry of National Defense, including at foreign theaters of operations. This has a very significant, even historically, meaning, because for the very first time on a large scale it allows the use an automated command and support system for military operations in all units for which it is dedicated. Polish Army has been waiting for that for a long time and that will significantly increase the effectiveness and efficiency of its operation.
In the context of the above, it is also important that HMS C3IS JASMINE is one of the essential components of the JASMINE system of systems (also as the only one such a product of the polish military engineering in particular) and is unified / fully coherent with its other components: BMS C3IS JASMINE - battalion management system software, DSS C3IS JASMINE - soldier management system software and JFSS C3IS JASMINE - data exchange system software for combined fire support, including Tactical Air Controller. All mentioned above are also the only mature and widely tested such a solution of this class in Poland (also in mobile versions) which have a large part of the HMS C3IS JASMINE functionality (this applies mainly to the aforementioned BMS), and is also well known to Polish soldiers. This specialized software is also characterized by another first-class advantage – all of the devices on which the software is running were specially designed and manufactured for that purpose. Those devices have the smallest dimensions, weight and energy consumption, and provide protection of classified information and high resistance for damage and climatic conditions. Both of them - software and hardware components, are the only systems of this type in Poland, and have been repeatedly awarded, including recently by the Ministry of Defense as the most innovative products of military technology.