June 11th through 20th 2018, a group of our engineers (once again the largest group of engineers from Poland taking part in that exercise) and a wide range of JASMINE solutions (again by far the largest among domestic products of military technology) successfully for the eleventh time (also record when it comes to national producers) took active and a wide range of participation in this year's edition of the NATO CWIX exercise (Coalition Warrior Interoperability eXploration, eXperimentation, eXamination, eXercise). The intensive organizational-procedural and technical preparations for that exercise took a year and required participation in many international conferences devoted to this undertaking.
We are pleased to inform you that JASMINE's systems, devices and software were again positively tested during CWIX exercise (there were nearly 400 of them) and played their part in many specialized - dedicated (also new) areas of NATO CWIX exercises, so-called Focus Areas: Land, Air, Maritime, MIP, FFT, TDL, LOG, Communications and Modeling & Simulation. There were the following solutions:
- HMS JASMINE - Headquarters Management System for Corps, Division, Brigade & Regiment. The system is composed of the following only Polish, matured and implemented on a global scale in Polish Armed Forces solutions: Integrated Data Communication Node JASMINE and command & communications software C3IS JASMINE - HMS C3IS JASMINE Software Module with JASMINE Web Portal;
- BMS JASMINE - Battlefield Management System for Battalion, Company, Platoon & Section. The system as well as is composed of the following only Polish, matured and the most modern in the world solutions: on-board data communications node and command and communications software C3IS JASMINE - BMS C3IS JASMINE Software Module. The primary feature of this system is that it is unified with the above HMS JASMINE system which is in large quantities successfully used in the Polish Armed Forces and mostly consists of the same software modules which offer C3I and management functionalities dedicated to tactical echelon (because it is constructed on the base of versatile Set Of Services dedicated to JASMINE System of Systems);
- JFSS JASMINE - also the only Polish Joint Fires Support System, including Joint Terminal Attack Controller. The system consists of the following components: Combat IDentification Server CID JASMINE (the only such a Polish solution of military technology, received a recommendation for operational use of the CIAV - Coalition Interoperability Assurance & Validation) and its software C3IS JASMINE - JFSS C3IS JASMINE Software Module. The primary feature of this system is also that it is essentially integrated with the HMS JASMINE and has the same C3IS and management software for its main components.
In the NATO CWIX 2018 exercise, the mentioned JASMINE platform solutions were intensively used and researched in a coalition environment (consisting of a record number of systems and participants from over 30 countries - the largest in the history of this important military undertaking) in the following areas:
- The scenario - as part of widely-run operational scenarios: land forces and FFT (Friendly Force Tracking - a standard for exchange of information on own and allied troops). Systems of more than a dozen countries participated in them, including the above mentioned HMS JASMINE (with the mentioned JASMINE IT node and its command and operation support software HMS C3IS JASMINE), as well as the BMS JASMINE and JFSS JASMINE discussed above. These comprehensive systems were:
- in the land army scenario, they one of the basic subordinates directly under the main command;
- effectively supported command processes and successfully integrate and cooperate with subordinate systems, including national systems;
- they were an access point for other systems;
- they were also successfully tested for interoperability standards, for example: MIP 3.1, ADatP-3, NFFI, XMPP and BRM;
- with great success, again, they used the already mentioned JASMINE Web Portal, which supported the work on command positions, e.g. by creating a Common Operational Picture (COP).
- Functional, in which the interoperability of HMS JASMINE, BMS JASMINE and also JFSS JASMINE in the following main areas of interest of this exercise, i.e.: Land, Air, Maritime, FFT and TDL (Tactical Data Link - a group of standards for the exchange of tactical information between elements of the battlefield in real time or close to the real one) were once again successfully performed. As part of this test set, a number of implemented interoperability standards (significantly enriching the C3IS JASMINE set of services) were successfully verified, mainly in the field of data exchange and visualization of the air situation, as well as data exchange between NATO systems and other allied states. The research of interoperability standards in this subject were carried out using the solutions of HMS JASMINE, BMS JASMINE and JFSS JASMINE i.e.: MIP 4.0 and 3.1, NFFI, FFI, DACAS, ADatP-3, Link 11B, Link 16 (JREAP C, SIMPLE), OTH -GOLD, HLA (in the latest NATO version of HLA156e), NVG (in the latest version of NVG 2.0), WMS and VMF. These checks were done, among others when exchanging data with domestic and allied air, land and sea systems (including NATO's and those at disposal from: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Spain, the Netherlands, Canada, Germany, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Turkey, USA, Hungary and Italy). In this context, it is worth noting that TELDAT is making continuous efforts to ensure compliance with the latest versions of the standards in order to maintain high and proven interoperability with coalition systems. In addition, our engineers together with JASMINE solutions have been involved in the alliance MIP Working Group (also as the first Polish team and national products) in research and development of the latest version of the MIP 4 interoperability standard for more than a year, which also places our country in a high position on this international stage of C4ISR systems development. As part of this standard, HMS JASMINE (including its aforementioned HMS C3IS JASMINE software) was again the only and the first Polish system to be successfully subjected to experimental research.
- Mobile, implemented in the so-called Communications Focus Area, in which BMS JASMINE and JFSS JASMINE together with the latest Tactic Terminals - the only such mobile C4ISR solutions - have been again successfully used. The subsequent versions of which have been successfully used (and tested) since 2012 in the dynamic action of the discussed exercise and thus confirm the correct and constant development of the above solutions. As a result of these tests, it is important that these products again reliably confirmed, among others, ability to integrate and cooperate with other systems (national and allied): command, support of military operations, communications, reconnaissance and simulation-training. In addition, BMS JASMINE, already for the fifth time as the only Polish in the history of this exercise, was implemented in the vehicle and used in motion, and what is important, operated in and around the city, even over long distances. One of practical and arousing great interest among participants of the above examples of its use were the implementation of military technology of video transmission from the unclassified network (transmitted live from the vehicle in which the discussed BMS was implemented) to the classified NATO-SECRET network using a certified NATO diode (NC3A DIODE).
All JASMINE software and hardware products operated in the course of the above project have again proved that the features, capabilities and functionalities possessed by this platform are fully in line with the objectives of achieving network-centric and interoperability capabilities, defined inter alia by the Polish Armed Forces. It would not be possible without unification/full coherence of its components and all JASMINE technological solutions used, which was once again credibly and widely demonstrated and tested in a practical way during CWIX. The above venture again confirmed 100% that:
- due to for example complexity and a large spectrum of JASMINE's capabilities, it is the only Polish Automated Command and Support System of Systems for military operations and in some areas also unique in the world;
- all above mentioned systems and its components are made at the highest possible level by high-class Polish specialists in the field of military IT and have interoperable and functional standards that fully incorporate them into current needs and the most important C4ISR projects, implemented and planned to perform, among others for the Ministry of Defense.
The major NATO interoperability exercise CWIX was very popular and the commitment of allied states is growing year by year. Exercise was visited by high-ranking representatives of the North Atlantic Alliance and other countries included in it: Lieutenant General Rajmund T. Andrzejczak (former Commander of the 12th Szczecin Mechanized Division, currently Chief of the General Staff of the Polish Armed Forces), Admiral Manfred Nielson (Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Transformation), Lieutenant General Andrzej Fałkowski (former Deputy Chief of General Staff and recently the Polish Military Representative at the Military Committees of NATO and the European Union), Brigadier Ladislav Jung (Deputy Commander of the Staff of the Combined Forces Training Center) and Colonel Robert Drozd (Chief P6 of the Polish General Staff). The mentioned functional persons, military and civil delegations as well as other guests and media were keenly interested in the latest versions of JASMINE software and hardware solutions.