On June 08-25, 2020, a group of TELDAT engineers (once again the largest Polish group taking part in that exercise) and a wide range of JASMINE solutions (again also by far the largest among domestic military technology solutions in that field) successfully for the thirteenth time (also record-breaking when it comes to national producers) took active participation in this year’s NATO CWIX exercise (Coalition Warrior Interoperability eXploration, eXperimentation, eXamination, eXercise. Due to the pandemic the exercise was carried out in remote / distributed mode. Intensive organizational, procedural and technical preparations for the exercise lasted a year and required participation in many international conferences devoted to this undertaking.
During the NATO CWIX 2020 all solutions of JASMINE platform once again have successfully passed all planned tests (there were over 600 of them, which is record-breaking, more than 75% of all tests that Polish products were subjected to in the field of C3I systems). Our systems played a great role in many specialized - dedicated (also new) areas of the NATO CWIX exercise, the so-called Focus Areas: MIP (Multilateral Interoperability Programme), FFT (Friendly Force Tracking), Comms (Communications), Maritime, TDL (Tactical Data Links), LOG (Logistics - Medical - Movement & Transportation), MandS (Modelling & Simulation), OpCmd (Operational Command) and GeoMetOc (Geographical, Meteorological and Oceanographic Information). Below is the selected list of our solutions which took part in the exercise:
- HMS JASMINE - Headquarters Management System for Operational and Tactical Level, mainly composed of the following military technology products which were developed and made in 100% in Poland and are implemented in a wide scope in the Polish Armed Forces: ICT Node / ZWT JASMINE as a hardware and HMS C3IS JASMINE software, which is core component of C3IS JASMINE and has the most important functionalities of its other, following software / systems);
- BMS JASMINE - Battlefield Management System for Battalion, Company, Platoon & Section, also consisting of the following national, fully developed and one of the most modern solutions in the world: on-board ICT node and BMS C3IS JASMINE (software of C3IS JASMINE system). The primary characteristic of this system is its unification with the above-mentioned HMS JASMINE used by Polish Armed Forces;
- JFSS JASMINE - also the only solution of its kind designed and created entirely in Poland, Data Exchange System for Combined Fire Support, including JTAC, which consist of, among others: Combat Identification Server CID JASMINE and C3IS JASMINE software - JFSS C3IS JASMINE. The primary characteristic of this solution is also large unification with HMS JASMINE and having the same C3I software;
- DSS JASMINE - also the only solution of its kind created in Poland for Dismounted Soldier composed mainly of personal ICT node and C3IS JASMINE software - DSS C3IS JASMINE. This solution is designed for the lowest level in the chain of command and is also distinguished by unification / full consistency with all of the above JASMINE platform systems.
In the NATO CWIX 2020 exercise, the above-mentioned JASMINE platform solutions were intensively used and tested extensively in a coalition environment in the following areas:
- AV&V Assurance Verification & Validation, where HMS C3IS JASMINE as the only Polish system has passed 100% of tests, carried out and confirmed by the NATO CIAV commission (Coalition Interoperability Assurance and Validation), for compliance with the FMN Spiral 3 profile (Federated Mission Networking) in the field of Land Services.
- Scenario, in which the systems of several countries participated, including HMS JASMINE (with JASMINE ICT Node and HMS C3IS JASMINE software), which was successfully checked under the widely developed MIP standard in the version 4.3.
- Functional, in which once again HMS JASMINE, BMS JASMINE, JFSS JASMINE and DSS JASMINE solutions were successfully tested in terms of interoperability in the following main areas of interest of this exercise, namely:
- MIP (standardized exchange and collection of operational data for systems operating on various database models);
- FFT (information exchange about position of own and allied troops);
- Comms (data and voice exchange in tactical networks and with the use of various types of radio communication means);
- Maritime (cooperation, information exchange and performing operations in cooperation with the naval forces);
- TDL (exchange / obtaining tactical information from all available elements of the battlefield, e.g. radars, sonars, as well as identification and observation systems);
- LOG (exchange and collection: data on logistic and medical resources as well as information on troops movement and transport);
- MandS (simulation systems, providing an environment to play out multi-level distributed exercises, training and creating the combined activities);
- OpCmd (interoperability and innovative technologies of data exchange at the operational level and cooperation with the central point of coordination of all systems);
- GeoMetOc (providing and/or obtaining geographic, meteorological and oceanographic information).
- Mobile, carried out in the so-called Communications Focus Area, in which again HMS JASMINE, BMS JASMINE, JFSS JASMINE and DSS JASMINE have been successfully used (also checked and verified) in the dynamic operation of the exercise (most of them as the only one Polish solutions have been used since 2012). As a result of these tests, these products confirmed, among others, ability to:
- integrate and cooperate with other, national and allied, command, support of military operations, communication, reconnaissance and simulation and training systems;
- BFT (Blue Force Tracking) capabilities with practical use of: RRC 9210 (exploited in the Polish Armed Forces) and the BRM protocol (Battlefield Replication Mechanism).