In the shadow of very trying and sad for the TELDAT community a period of mourning after leaving our President of blessed memory Dr. Eng. Henryk Kruszyński, please be informed that our latest solution ICT Nodes in shelter version (WTi) on 16th September has been granted the highest award the Grand Prix in category „INNOWATIVE PRODUCT” in a nationwide competition „Lider Bezpieczeństwa Państwa 2020” (State Security Leader 2020). The competition was held under i.a. a patronage of the Head of the National Security Bureau with the participation of Polish Armed Force representatives and the awards were given during a ceremony at the Inspectorate of Polish Armed Forces Support. This is the another important distinction for this category of lately created military technology products, as their portable version received the DEFENDER award in 2019.
During this ceremony the TELDAT board was distinguished for its many years of activity in favor of state security and defense:
- special award - ring Bene de Patria Meritus granted to blessed memory Dr. Eng. Henryk Kruszyński - President of our company;
- Golden Star „Lider Bezpieczeństwa Państwa” (State Security Leader) granted to Sebastian Cichocki - Vice President of TELDAT.