HMS JASMINE - Headquarters Management System for Operational and Tactical Level


HMS JASMINE (Headquarters Management System) in shelter version (also called the Integrated Data Communications Node JASMINE as well as used with Mobile Command Post Module) is a comprehensive, network centric battle management system dedicated to the operational and tactical echelons or crisis operations structures. This solution is one of the main components of Network Centric Data Communication Platform JASMINE. It is an innovative, mobile ICT infrastructure of the highest and medium command’s posts echelons. The system is composed of hardware and software components which are built in a electromagnetic proof container mounted on a vehicle. HMS JASMINE in shelter version can also operate as an autonomous solution.

In the most cases HMS JASMINE in shelter version is composed of:

The electromagnetic proof container for HMS JASMINE in shelter version meets teleinformatic security requirements for data processing to the SECRET level.



HMS JASMINE (Headquarters Management System) in portable version (also called the Integrated Data Communications Node JASMINE as well as used with Mobile Command Post Module) is a comprehensive, network centric battle management system dedicated to the operational and tactical echelons or crisis operations structures. This solution is one of the main components of Network Centric Data Communication Platform JASMINE. It is an innovative, mobile ICT infrastructure of the highest and medium command’s posts echelons. HMS JASMINE in portable version can also operate as an autonomous solution.

In the most cases this solution is composed of the following software:

All special devices of HMS JASMINE in a portable version are transported in special portable boxes.

HMS JASMINE main features:

  • as an ICT node it provides:
    • modern, efficient, scalable, mobile, and cheaper multi-service ICT infrastructure which enables the development of many independent networks in IP technology, dedicated to command posts at the operational and tactical level and their activities during coalition military operations, exercises and training,
    • development and functioning of high-performance military ICT system (command, control and communication) in federated operations, in accordance with current and future requirements of the FMN (Federated Mission Networking), e.g. PMN (Polish Mission Network), that processes SECRET or NATO SECRET information,
    • high security level by applying network devices that meet the highest level of national and NATO standards (e.g. cybersecurity) validated by penetration and vulnerability tests,
    • interoperability with the coalition systems, among others by the implementation of NATO standards,
    • optimal selection, integration, use and monitoring of communication means, transmission media, sensors, effectors and endpoint devices,
    • secure (encrypted) transmission of data, video and voice in IP technology (i.a.: voice communication, e-mail, files exchange and videoconference services) and access control (monitoring) to the ICT system,
    • secure exchange of information with the use of national IP Crypto,
    • simple - fully automatic, intuitive installation and configuration of all elements (hardware and software) HMS JASMINE using JASMINE Modules Management software (the component of the JASMINE Management System, implemented and widely used in the Polish Armed Forces), and also monitoring of ICT networks based on these military solutions;
  • depending on the needs and own customization, it also provides:
    • significant support of the military structures command at operational/tactical level, their operations and cooperation also through: functionalities useful in troops and in case of necessity the capability the immediate implementation of other necessary services which are provided by, e.g. BMS JASMINE (Battlefield Management System for Battalion, Company, Platoon & Section), DSS JASMINE (Dismounted Soldier System) and JFSS JASMINE (Joint Fires Support System),
    • significant increase of situational awareness allowing to achieve an information superiority, including their security, e.g. by the efficient distribution of information about threats and an automated information system on the current location of own forces (Friendly Force Tracking),
    • Common Operational Picture and integration / collaboration with other systems to create COP,
    • cooperation and integration with allied systems (also byimplementation of NATO standards) including:
      • command and communications, Air Defense and JFSS JASMINE (Joint Fires Support System) including JTAC,
      • reconnaissance (information from battlefield sensors, e.g. UAV, soldier equipment) including CBRN threats from Reporting Nuclear Detonations, Biological and Chemical Attacks and Predicting and Warning of Associated Hazards and Hazard Areas - STANAG 2103,
      • training and simulation, e.g. JCATS and VBS2 / VBS3 by the use of HLA (High Level Architecture) standard;
    • current operational/tactical situation picture and BLUE FORCE TRACKING using: NFFI (NATO Friendly Force Information) and FFI (Friendly Force Identification - STANAG 5527) - in this case, the system can operate as FFT HUB,
    • automatic operational data exchange with effective use of radio means during mobile operations,
    • secure operation in classified networks (including NATO, e.g.: Polish Mission Network and NS-WAN),
    • mission planning, visualization (according to APP-6A/B/C, MIP Implementation Rules) and full support for plans and orders according to STANAG 2014,
    • reporting and management of Daily Log Book etc.,
    • easy input of data - objects and tactical symbols through personalized interface,
    • quick exchange of text messages (CHAT) using pre-defined reports and templates,
    • analysis of terrain situation, using also 3D visualization,
    • analysis and visualization of Fresnel zones (areas of the radio signal) using elevation data, allowing relative location of antennas,
    • management of orders, reports, templates of documents, teaming work, control of information flow,
    • automatic aggregation of information on subordinated troops,
    • archiving of data including graphical layers and voice messages, which allows for an accurate reproduce the course of events during the action and define their actual factography,
    • storage of operational data in a JC3IEDM database of the model of the MIP program,
    • replication of MIP data at the tactical level with the use of author’s and unique BRM protocol (Battlefield Replication Mechanism) via radio communication means,
    • data transformation between models C2IEDM and JC3IEDM - MIP (version 2, 3 & 3.1),
    • Data Exchange Mechanism with the use DEM B2, DEM B3, and MIP B4 protocols,
    • messages exchange in accordance with standards MIP MEM B2 & B3, ADatP-3 (version 11C/F, 12.2, 13.1 & 14), OTH-GOLD, Link 11B, Link 16 (JREAP C and SIMPLE) and also VMF (Variable Message Format),
    • bilateral data conversion between selected ADatP-3 messages and MIP database,
    • communication with JCOP and NCOP systems using NVG 1.4, 1.5 & 2.0 and JIPS 0.5 & 0.6,
    • support for e-mail service in the client software version,
    • integration with TELDAT Battlefield Directory services STANAG 4644,
    • access to the operational data of the HMS C3IS JASMINE system also by the WEB application,
    • application of vector topographic underlays distributed in VPF & SHP technology and raster topographic underlays in CADRG, ECW, MrSID, GeoTIFF & JPEG technologies and maps of DTED terrain model,
    • management of topographic underlays distributed with the WMS (Web Map Service) and WFS (Web Future Service) technologies,
    • functioning with Windows 10, 8.1, 7 operating system and its previous versions.

HMS JASMINE in shelter and portable versions depending on the needs arising from the place of use in a mobile (field) ICT system consist of the following devices. One of the versions is shown below.

HMS JASMINE may be made depending on the sets of: tactical PC workstations, IP phones, wireless IP phones, GPS, IP videoconference, optical fiber and Ethernet (UTP) enhanced cable.


Examples of practical use of HMS JASMINE:


HMS JASMINE (including its main hardware and software components) was many times awarded:

  • the special distinction granted by the Polish MOD in the Innowacje dla Sił Zbrojnych RP 2015 competition for the Network Centric Data Communication Platform JASMINE as the innovative, comprehensive, mutually consistent and unique System of Systems (HMS JASMINE is one of the main components) in the scope of (including automation) command and communication, dedicated for the all command and control echelons, including dismounted soldier;

  • The Republic of Poland President’s Award, which is granted annually for the best product, which improves level of safety of soldiers of the Polish Armed Forces - integration of Automatic Indicator of Contamination PROMETHEUS with JASMINE - System of the Systems (one of the main component of its was HMS JASMINE) obtained at the International Defence Industry Exhibition MSPO 2014 in Kielce;

  • special honour and the award of Minister of Science and Higher Education for the most technologically advanced product of a military technics – JASMINE System, during the International Defence Industry Exhibition 2007. HMS JASMINE is one of its main components.

  • 2 Defender prizes, granted at the subsequent editions of MSPO as follows:
    • for the Mobile Data Communication Node equipped with the HMS JASMINE;

    • for the Integrated Information System WTS where the HMS JASMINE solutions was also one of the main components

  • 2 prizes granted during the subsequent editions of Air Fair international fairs:
    • main prize granted for the Mobile Data Communication Node equipped with the HMS JASMINE,