This important and innovative military event took place between 12th and 16th of June 2023 at the Land Forces Training Centre - Dęba as it was an experimental part of the ANAKONDA-23 exercise. The aim of this project was, among others, practical verification of solutions for the needs of the Future Task Force (FTF) concept, as well as demonstration of breakthrough solutions and Emerging and Disruptive Technologies (EDTs) offered by defense industry.
During the above mentioned exercise, its participants had a convenient opportunity of:
- checking and using in field conditions (also in the dynamic operation) the latest versions/implementations of combat management and communication systems as well as military hardware solutions produced by TELDAT, e.g. Battlefield Management System for Battalion, Company, Platoon & Section - BMS JASMINE. Thanks to the last domestic, mature and repeatedly positively tested in the country and abroad product of the multi-domain JASMINE platform, installed in combat vehicles operating on the move and at a standstill, soldiers had real, effective and efficient provision of all services desired on the battlefield. The services included digital, current visualization of the tactical situation and thus increased situational awareness during this important military event;
- getting familiar with exemplary variants of comprehensive equipment of a command and combat vehicle, data sanitizer between workstations with different clauses of HMS C3IS JASMINE and BMS C3IS JASMINE systems, and a wireless 5G integrator.