
For the sixteenth time the Multidomain Battle Management System of Systems JASMINE has been successfully used during NATO CWIX 2023

The group of our engineers (once again the most numerous one from Poland) and a wide range of JASMINE solutions (again the largest among domestic military technology products) for the sixteenth time (also record-breaking regarding the national producers) took an active and wide-ranging participation in the above-mentioned, the largest allied interoperability exercise. The effective presence of our specialists in each NATO CWIX exercise in a row has always been an invaluable opportunity in terms of gaining and sharing knowledge, new experiences and conclusions for the continuous development of the JASMINE System of Systems.The group of our engineers (once again the most numerous one from Poland) and a wide range of JASMINE solutions (again the largest among domestic military technology products) for the sixteenth time (also record-breaking regarding the national producers) took an active and wide-ranging participation in the above-mentioned, the largest allied interoperability exercise. The effective presence of our specialists in each NATO CWIX exercise in a row has always been an invaluable opportunity in terms of gaining and sharing knowledge, new experiences and conclusions for the continuous development of the JASMINE System of Systems.

During CWIX 2023, all JASMINE’s solutions/systems once again passed positively the planned tests (there were over 1000 of them, which is 42% of all tests involving Polish systems in the field of C3I systems). What is more, they succeeded in many specialized-dedicated areas of interest of NATO CWIX exercise (so-called Focus Areas). The tests included: MIP (Multilateral Interoperability Programme), Land, FFT (Friendly Force Tracking), Comms (Communications), Maritime, Air, Space, Cyber, TDL (Tactical Data Links), LOG (Logistics - Medical - Movement & Transportation) and MandS (Modeling & Simulation), OpCmd (Operational Command) and GeoMetOc (Geographical, Meteorological and Oceanographic Information).

The main products, of the latest generation, which have been tested are following:

  • HMS JASMINE - Headquarters Management System for Operational and Tactical Level, composed of the following military technology products, which have been developed and made entirely in Poland and which are implemented in a wide scope in the Polish Armed Forces: JASMINE ICT Node as hardware and HMS C3IS JASMINE software which is a core component of C3IS JASMINE and includes the most important functionalities of other JASMIN systems and, if necessary, can easily and efficiently have all of them and become similar software to the automated System of Systems;
  • BMS JASMINE - Battlefield Management System for Battalion, Company, Platoon & Section, also consisting of the following, the only domestic, fully developed and one of the most modern solutions in the world: on-board ICT node and BMS C3IS JASMINE (software / Automated Battle Management System for designated command levels), which can be easily and efficiently equipped with desirable, additional functionalities if necessary. The above-mentioned HMS C3IS JASMINE is used and developed by Polish Armed Forces for years;
  • JFSS JASMINE - also the only Polish Data Exchange System for Combined Fire Support, including Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC), which consist of, among others: Combat Identification Server CID JASMINE and JFSS C3IS JASMINE software – (also included in the SWD C3IS JASMINE), which can also be easily and efficiently implemented if necessary, for example as an additional software module in the above mentioned HMS C3IS JASMINE;
  • DSS JASMINE - also the only Polish solution of its kind for Dismounted Soldier composed mainly of personal ICT node and DSS C3IS JASMINE software/ Automated Battle Management System for designated command levels, (also included in the SWD C3IS JASMINE), which can also be easily and efficiently implemented if necessary, for example as an additional software module in the above mentioned HMS C3IS JASMINE;
  • BFT C3IS JASMINE - BFT (Blue Force Tracking) functionality, which is one of the basic capabilities of the systems that is included in the SWD C3IS JASMINE (also HMS C3IS JASMINE). It ensures automated tracking of the position of own troops (especially at the tactical level and depending on operational needs). It can be used primarily on mobile positions/command points. This functionality has been used, tested and developed since 2008 in many international interoperability exercises, including mobile tests during NATO’s CWIX;
  • CID JASMINE - Combat IDentification Server significantly improving and increasing the accuracy of: identification of own and allied troops’ facilities and data exchange between various types of armed forces. Its software (CID C3IS JASMINE) is the part of the above-mentioned JFSS C3IS JASMINE and of course can be efficiently implemented in HMS C3IS JASMINE, if necessary.

An important feature of the above-mentioned solutions is their unification (consistency), especially in terms of software with the aforementioned HMS JASMINE as well as HMS C3IS JASMINE. They have the same software for managing its essential components that are fully Programmable.

During NATO CWIX 2023 exercise, the above-mentioned Multi-domain Combat Management and Communications System JASMINE platform solutions were extensively used and repeatedly tested in the allied environment in the following areas:

  1. Scenario – within widely conducted operational scenarios: land forces and FFT. The land forces scenario involved systems of several countries, including HMS JASMINE at the division level (with the aforementioned JASMINE ICT Node and its command and operation support software HMS C3IS JASMINE), BMS JASMINE and JFSS JASMINE at the battalion level and DSS JASMINE at the company level, which were the most engaged solutions in this area (more than 75% of activity among all stages of the land scenario). Their operation has been successfully verified by performing the largest number of test cases using the MIP, NVG and AdatP-3 standards. In the FFT scenario, the BFT C3IS JASMINE (functionality of HMS C3IS JASMINE) was tested together with several systems from other countries as a separate solution.
  2. MIP 4 bilateral tests, in which HMS C3IS JASMINE, as the only Polish system, passed nearly 100% checks for compliance with the latest version of this standard and thus showed readiness for further development in this area.
  3. Official AV&V (Assurance, Verification and Validation) tests conducted by CIAV (Coalition Interoperability Assurance and Validation), in which HMS C3IS JASMINE was tested for the first time and was assessed for compliance with selected FMN (Federated Mission Networking) requirements. This solution was verified in 3 areas: FFT, SI Land C2 Information Exchange and Land Tactical C2 Information Exchange.
  4. Cross Domain Transfer - transmitting information between the unclassified and classified network with the use of dedicated diodes delivered by NATO.
  5. Functional, in which once again HMS JASMINE, BMS JASMINE, JFSS JASMINE and DSS JASMINE solutions were successfully tested in terms of interoperability in the following main areas:
  • MIP (through the implementation of tests in the field of standardized exchange and collection of operational data for systems operating on various database models);
  • Land (by carrying out tests in the field of cooperation, information exchange and conducting operations in cooperation with land forces systems);
  • FFT (by carrying out tests in the field of exchanging information about the location of own and allied troops, as well as by performing elements of the CID scenario in accordance with ADatP-37);
  • Comms (by performing tests in the field of data and voice exchange in tactical networks and using various types of radio communication means, including a successful implementation of the DACAS procedure);
  • Maritime (through carrying out tests in the field of cooperation, information exchange and conducting operations in cooperation with naval forces systems);
  • Air (by performing tests in the field of cooperation, information exchange and conducting operations in cooperation with air forces systems, including downloading and imaging ACO);
  • Space (through carrying out tests in the field of cooperation and information exchange in joint action in space, consisting in depicting the situation of jamming the GPS signal by enemy systems. In this area, TELDAT solutions as the only Polish ones were tested once again;
  • Cyber (through researching related to the protection of coalition networks and systems against cyberattacks);
  • TDL (by performing tests in the field of exchange/obtaining tactical information from all available elements/sensors of the battlefield, e.g. radars, sonars, as well as identification and observation systems);
  • LOG (through carrying out tests in the field of exchange and collection of: data on logistic and medical resources as well as information on the movement and transport of troops);
  • MandS (by performing tests of simulation systems, providing an environment to play multi-level distributed exercises, trainings and modeling combined activities);
  • OpCmd (by carrying out tests and coordinating all capabilities within multi-domain operations to ensure the operational background and the ability to perform operational simulation of the command architecture / C2);
  • GeoMetOc (by performing tests aimed at assessing and improving interoperability standards in the field of geographic and meteorological data).

During these tests, the latest capabilities and a number of implemented interoperability standards in SWD C3IS JASMINE and its software / systems (including, of course, HMS C3IS JASMINE) were positively verified, which significantly enrich the Universal Set of Services of the first comprehensive solution (which - what is very important - can be easily and efficiently used by HMS C3IS JASMINE and other previously mentioned JASMINE systems), e.g. in the field of: data exchange and visualization of the land, air and sea situation between NATO and other allied countries systems, as well as building operational awareness.

Research on interoperability standards has been conducted in the scope of: MIP 4.3.1 & 3.1, ADatP-37, ADatP-36, FFT, ADatP-3, RAP, RMP, VMF, Link 16, OTH-GOLD, JDSS 1.1, HLA, NVG, APP-11, WMS, WMTS, WFS, APP-6C and BRM - Battlefield Replication Mechanism (an innovative and unique protocol of the RRM class - Radio Replication Mechanism - developed and expanded entirely by TELDAT).

The above tests were performed in terms of exchanging data with national and allied land, air and navy systems (including NATO, which are at the disposal of e.g. the USA, Spain, Norway, Germany, Romania, Denmark, the Netherlands, Ukraine, Canada, Estonia, Latvia, Slovenia and Portugal).

  1. Mobile, implemented in the Communications Focus Area (Comms FA), in which the BMS JASMINE, JFSS JASMINE, DSS JASMINE and BFT C3IS JASMINE systems also successfully participated in and which, for the most part, are the only products of this class that have been successfully used since 2012 in the dynamic operation of this exercise, which is the most important in relation to products of this class. Within this group of tests, these solutions confirmed, among others, the following capabilities:

  • to integrate and cooperate with other, national and allied systems: command, support of military operations, communication, reconnaissance and simulation and training systems;
  • in terms of BFT functionality with the practical use of radio communication means (e.g. used in the Polish Armed Forces) and the aforementioned BRM protocol;
  • for the implementation of the JDSS (Joint Dismounted Soldier System) standard, which is gaining popularity in this area of testing every year.